Quality Assurance
and Software Testing
DevPals conducts elaborate software testing using formal and exploratory approaches, using test automation as and when applicable to all layers. DevPals is the preferred testing partner for a flawless process, a fully transparent operation, flexible delivery models, and strict adherence to international standards.
What DevPals Offers
DevPals software testing and quality assurance take into account quality throughout the entire life-cycle, regardless of the client's delivery methodology.

Creating a practical performance testing strategy that includes the scenarios to be tested, the different types of performance testing services to be used, the tools to be used, automation scripts, reporting protocols, and the test environment.

Functional testing is a critical component in improving the quality of software produced. We define functional testing as test planning and black-box testing without automation that is limited to checking software functionality and usability.

Mobile Applications
We provide full QA services for mobile apps on a variety of platforms and in a variety of environments. We conduct rigorous mobile app testing, including manual testing, visual QA, and automated testing, to ensure that your app works flawlessly and retains users.

We recognize the importance of automated testing as well as the challenges it presents. As a result, we value a methodical, well-thought-out approach to test automation. We use a variety of test frameworks to deliver test automation efficiencies and improve test productivity.

Graphical User Interface
We use a variety of test cases to ensure that a product with a graphical user interface meets its specifications. We examine how users interact with a product, such as how long tasks take and how well they are completed, as well as how they wish for change to occur.

End-to-end security testing for web application vulnerability assessment entails creating a workable performance test strategy that includes test scenarios, tools to use, automation scripts, performance testing service types, and reporting protocols.
How DevPals Transforms Enterprise Quality Assurance?
Over the last decade, software systems have made significant contributions to supporting businesses and generating revenue. As organizations face increasing pressures to control costs and improve return on investment in their IT systems, they have been seeking practices to enhance overall quality and benefits. However, while the importance of quality has grown, the need to reduce expenses has led to more complex and diverse organizational structures. The success of a company heavily relies on the quality of its IT systems and processes.
To enhance efficiency, enterprises must evaluate the maturity and effectiveness of their QA organizations and implement strategic and tactical improvements. A comprehensive approach is necessary to address all aspects of QA organizations and achieve different levels of maturity for various practices, depending on the software development process and testing operations.
DevPals experts analyze several crucial factors that can significantly enhance an organization's QA service maturity. By thoroughly examining different operational models, they identify areas for improvement and create a QA transformation plan tailored to meet the organization's specific needs.