Let's discuss the challenging task of determining the optimal ratio between developers and software quality assurance (SQA) personnel. It largely depends on the organization's needs and product development stage, but several factors can influence the ratio. In this post we explore these factors to help organizations make informed decisions.
Determining the ideal ratio between developers and software quality assurance (SQA) personnel can be a challenging task, as it largely depends on the specific needs of the organization and the stage of the product development cycle. However, several factors can influence the ratio and can help organizations make informed decisions.
For instance, some software products and technology stacks are well-suited for test-driven development, where a few SQA engineers can suffice. In contrast, other products may require more manual testing, particularly those that run on custom hardware. In such cases, a healthy balance between developers and SQA personnel is essential.
Another crucial factor to consider is the stage of the company. For a software startup in its early days, when the total headcount is below 5 full-time equivalents, dedicated SQA personnel may not be necessary. Instead, the testing burden can be shared among the team and early users/testers. However, as the team grows and starts to crank out more product releases, quality and reliability become critical, and the need for dedicated SQA personnel increases.
For non-mission-critical, cloud-based software systems that are compatible with continuous integration and deployment, organizations should focus on building a QA department with more automation engineers and fewer manual testers. In contrast, for companies developing custom software on custom hardware or operating in highly regulated industries such as healthcare IT or financial services, a developer-to-SQA ratio of 3:1 may be appropriate, which can be gradually reduced to 2:1 as the team scales up.
However, the ultimate quality and user experience may require a human in the loop, particularly for complex hardware and advanced technologies such as robotics and haptics. In such cases, organizations should prioritize hiring more manual testers over automation engineers.
In summary, determining the optimal ratio between developers and SQA personnel depends on several factors such as product type, technology stack, industry sector, and the stage of the organization. Therefore, organizations must conduct a thorough analysis of their needs and requirements to determine the ideal balance between developers and SQA personnel. If you find that your organization is facing challenges with its QA processes, don't hesitate to reach out for assistance. DevPals experts are available to help you identify areas of improvement and implement effective solutions to improve the quality and reliability of your software. To learn more about our QA services and how we can support your organization contact us today!